Terms of Service



**Hosting Company GeoNodes TOS:

(You automaticly aggre to this Tearms of Service after your purchase was complete) 

1. **Fair Resource Allocation:**

   - All customers are entitled to fair and equitable allocation of resources on GeoNodes. No single customer should monopolize resources to the detriment of others.


2. **Prohibited Content:**

   - Hosting of any illegal, malicious, or prohibited content is strictly forbidden. This includes but is not limited to content that violates copyright laws, promotes hate speech, or engages in any form of illegal activity.


3. **Security Compliance:**

   - Customers must adhere to the highest security standards. This includes keeping software and applications up to date, using strong and secure passwords, and promptly addressing any security vulnerabilities.


4. **Data Privacy:**

   - GeoNodes users must respect the privacy of others. Unauthorized access to, or distribution of, personal and sensitive information is strictly prohibited.


5. **Network Abuse:**

   - Any form of network abuse, including but not limited to denial of service attacks, scanning, and other malicious activities, is strictly prohibited. Customers engaging in such activities will face immediate suspension.


6. **Resource Limits:**

   - Each customer's usage of server resources is subject to predefined limits. Exceeding these limits may result in temporary suspension or other corrective actions.


7. **Backup Responsibility:**

   - Customers are responsible for their own data backups. While GeoNodes may provide backup services, it is advisable for customers to regularly back up their data independently.


8. **Payment Obligations:**

   - Customers are required to pay all fees associated with their hosting plans promptly. Failure to do so may result in suspension or termination of services.


9. **Compliance with Laws:**

   - Customers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, laws related to data protection, intellectual property, and online conduct.


10. **Customer Support Etiquette:**

    - Customers are expected to communicate with GeoNodes support staff in a respectful and professional manner. Any abusive or inappropriate behavior may result in account suspension.


11. **Monitoring and Auditing:**

    - GeoNodes reserves the right to monitor server usage for compliance with these rules. Customers should cooperate with any reasonable requests for information or assistance related to such monitoring.


12. **Notification of Changes:**

    - GeoNodes will notify customers of any significant changes to these rules. It is the customer's responsibility to review and comply with the updated rules.


13. **Termination of Services:**

    - GeoNodes reserves the right to terminate services for any customer found to be in violation of these rules. Termination may occur without prior notice in cases of severe or repeated violations.

14. **Refunds:**

    - GeoNodes Will NOT refund your money for hosting that is older than 5 days. (This applies to any customer and any products)


By using GeoNodes services, customers agree to abide by these rules. Failure to comply may result in corrective actions, including account suspension or termination. GeoNodes reserves the right to update these rules as necessary to ensure the integrity and security of its hosting services.

We partner with Tebex Limited (www.tebex.io), who are the official merchant of digital content produced by us. If you wish to purchase licenses to use digital content we produce, you must do so through Tebex as our licensed reseller and merchant of record. In order to make any such purchase from Tebex, you must agree to their terms, available at https://checkout.tebex.io/terms. If you have any queries about a purchase made through Tebex, including but not limited to refund requests, technical issues or billing enquiries, you should contact Tebex support at https://www.tebex.io/contact/checkout in the first instance.